With Knudge, advisors are…

streamlining operations

                managing more of their clients’ financial lives 

                               helping clients appreciate their value

Automate administrative work

Systematize client communications

Create financial calendars for your clients

When you use templates to create recurring nudges, it is easy to create financial calendars for each of your clients, providing touchpoints and high-value assistance throughout the year. You can assign these templates to many clients at once, and since they recur, you’ll never need to think about them again. Here are some ideas:

Help clients navigate life events

Create a series of nudge templates so that you are always ready to help clients navigate major life events. 10 of the life events advisors frequently find themselves addressing:

  • Birth of a child or grandchild
  • Buying/selling a business
  • Buying/selling a home
  • Changing jobs
  • Caring for an aging parent
  • Child starting college
  • Death of a parent or spouse
  • Divorce
  • Getting married
  • Retiring

Manage long-dated decision points

There are decisions made today (or yesterday) that will require additional choices in the (often distant) future. Annuities, insurance, pensions, and deferred compensation, to name a few. When you include Knudge in that process, you can be confident that nothing will slip through the cracks.

Show clients your work

Help clients better appreciate the work you do on their behalf by copying them on nudges you assign to yourself, team members, or outside partners. They’ll be notified when the nudge is assigned, when it is completed, and by whom. Tasks created in Knudge also serve as a way to document your implementation of the plan.

Go above and beyond

Because tasks are automated in Knudge, it’s easy to provide support to any aspect of your clients’ lives. Advisors use Knudge to remind their clients to renew their drivers and passports, and even to remember their anniversaries! The only limit is your imagination.