
High touch service at scale

Knudge keeps track of everything and automates the follow up process to save time and increase the completion and response rates of actionable requests.

With Knudge you can add additional service offerings with minimal overhead, attract new clients, streamline the on boarding process, increase client retention, and increase revenue margins per client.


Unlimited contacts & dedicated support

$79/month (includes one seat)

+ $39/month for each additional user

($99 & $49 when billed monthly)

BD or Enterprise

Bespoke solutions for Broker Dealers or

Organizations with 50+ users.

Contact us to learn more.

Baker’s Dozen

A great way to test it out

Unlimited number of team members

Free indefinitely for up to 13 contacts

(no credit card required)

All plans include free iOS, Android & Web App for end clients

Engage with your clients where they are. Clients can securely access a shared to-do-list and set preferences for when and how they receive communications. In-app messaging integrates with email and text for rapid communication and all messaging stays attached to the associated action item.

I’ve been using Knudge for two months now. It’s (hands down) the best tool of 23 vendors I’m subscribed to, to serve clients.

Before starting, I hoped that Knudge would help clients stay on top of their personal finance to-do’s, taking time off my plate and allowing me to offer a higher touch service than my peers.

I’ve realized, now, that it’s so much more than that. I use the tool live on zoom calls to assign items on the call, allowing the client to pick when nudges will post / are due. During onboarding, Clients select (themselves) if they want to be notified by email or text, or both.

Clients get to see their completed items over time, which helps “show value” without explicitly mentioning it in conversation. Client couples can see tasks at the household level which (could) help them feel like they are a team in getting personal finance to-do’s done while automated reminders get sent to the individual within the household.

It’s awesome!

Dan Rooker, Rook Financial
How does the Baker’s Dozen free tier work?2021-08-10T17:48:49+00:00

We’re excited to offer Knudge for free, indefinitely, for up to 13 contacts (no credit card required).

The idea for Knudge was born out of a pressing need at our co-founder Shaun’s firm to find a repeatable way to manage their client’s action items. 

We know firsthand, that starting a new firm is not easy work, and running an existing business brings unique challenges:

  • New firms: When you first start a firm, every expense counts when revenue is not yet in the door. Embed Knudge in your process from day one and don’t worry about having to sign up for a paid subscription until you get your feet under you.
  • Established firms: There is never a perfect time to start a time boxed free trial and however long that free trial is, it’s usually not long enough. This new model allows you to sign up when you’re thinking of it and get around to using Knudge when you have the time. Invite as many colleagues as you want and test it out with a dozen clients or a handful of households at your leisure.

If you are interested in hearing more about why we created a free tier, listen to Shaun share some of his experience onboarding technology here.

How does billing work?2021-08-10T17:40:20+00:00

There are two billing plans – Monthly or Yearly. You can start with the monthly plan and switch to the yearly option at any time for ~%20 discount as compared to the price when billed monthly.

Your subscription is billed at the beginning of each period. If you cancel in the middle of a billing period, your subscription and access to Knudge remains active until the end of the current period.

  • What happens if we add a team member after the free trial? When members are added, you are billed immediately for the prorated cost of the seat for the remainder of the subscription period (1 month or 1 year, depending on your plan).
  • What happens if we remove a team member? Member seats are paid up-front for each billing period, and the remaining time is not refunded if they are removed mid-cycle. However, if you currently have 3 team members, and within a billing cycle you remove a team member (now have 2) and then add a different person at your firm (back to 3), your bill is the same as if you had kept 3 members the entire time.
  • What happens if we start with a monthly plan and switch to the annual plan? The current month-long billing period continues as normal, and at the end of the billing period, you are charged for 1 year at your current seat count.
  • What happens if we are on the annual plan and switch to the monthly plan? The current year-long billing period continues as normal, and at the end of the billing period, you are charged for 1 month at your current seat count.
  • How can I cancel my subscription? We’ll be disappointed to see you go, so please send us a note to tell us why and how we can make Knudge better for you. 
    • To cancel all subscriptions for your organization, click on your company name, then select Billing, and click on Cancel Subscription. If you cancel in the middle of a billing period, your subscription and access to Knudge remains active until the end of the current period.
    • To remove members from your organization, click on your company name, select Billing, and click on Add or Remove members. You will get a refund for the remainder of the period billed for each member removed.
Is Knudge available for nonprofits?2021-08-10T21:16:12+00:00

Not only is it available, but it’s free.

Organizations focused on financial literacy, pro-bono financial consulting and financial coaching are eligible to use Knudge free of charge.

Please contact us at to see if Knudge could be a good fit for your organization.

Is Knudge available for use in other industries?2021-08-11T20:27:43+00:00

Knudge was founded by financial advisors for financial advisors.  We developed Knudge because we had an acute need for a better way to keep our clients on track. We learned that many others in our industry have the same need.  

We also realized that Knudge could be useful in other industries as well.  We have accountants, estate planning attorneys, insurance professionals, and many others using Knudge. Please contact us at to learn more about how Knudge can be used in your industry.

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