There are hundreds of ways to use Knudge to help your clients manage their financial lives.
Read on to learn how you can use Knudge to:
- Onboard clients
- Schedule meetings
- Have more effective review meetings
- Increase your level of service and create a financial life calendar for your clients
- Help clients navigate different life events
- Get credit for the work you’re doing behind the scenes
Client onboarding
When onboarding new clients, you likely have the same set of tasks that you need your clients to complete. By creating a template for each task, you can streamline your onboarding process and simply assign the applicable templates for your new clients. To introduce Knudge to your clients, we’ve created a nudge template that explains how Knudge will help keep them on track.
Schedule meetings
Most advisors are using Calendly or other scheduling tools to let clients schedule their next review meeting, but it’s not uncommon that you may need to reach out to a client or household multiple times to get them to choose a time to meet. Let Knudge manage that process and send reminder to your clients to schedule their next review meeting. Simply add the appropriate url to the nudge and Knudge will send reminders encouraging them to pick a time to meet – and you’ll have a record of outreach if the client decides not to meet this time around.
More effective client meetings
Client and household detail pages show completed and outstanding nudges and allow you to quickly prepare for meetings.
Instead of starting a meeting by asking your clients what they’ve completed and what is still outstanding, you can go into the meeting on the same page. Congratulate your clients on all they’ve accomplished and dig in on the things that are still incomplete. Completed tasks can be tied to progress on specific goals and items that remain unfinished can serve as a guide to asking the right questions.
Many advisors use Knudge in their review meetings to schedule tasks and due dates together with their clients. There are two advantages to using Knudge during meetings with clients rather than assigning tasks after the fact. The first, is that when you are asking clients to commit to a specific timeframe for a task, you can surface concerns they may have been reluctant to share. The second, is that when clients participate in the scheduling process, they have deeper buy-in for the plan.
Create a financial calendar for your clients
Knudge comes with a library of templates to help you get started. Using templates, and setting tasks to recur annually allows advisors easily create financial calendars for their clients and provide valuable assistance throughout the year. Assign these tasks in bulk to many clients at once and you can have this all set up in no time. Here are some ideas for filling in the gaps:
Help clients navigate life events
Advisors often use a series of nudges to help clients navigate major life events. Here are the top 10 life events advisors tell us where they use Knudge most frequently:
- Child starting college
- Death of a parent or spouse
- Divorce
- Getting married
- Retiring
- Birth of child or grandchild
- Buying/selling a business
- Buying/selling a home
- Changing jobs
- Caring for an aging parent
Show clients your work
Clients aren’t always aware of all the work you do on their behalf. Knudge can help them better appreciate your efforts. You can use Knudge to assign an action item to yourself, a team member, or an outside partner (e.g. CPA, attorney). If you choose to copy your client, they’ll be notified when the nudge is assigned and when it is completed. Your outside business partners don’t need to subscribe to Knudge to be a part of your workflow.